Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"The Struggle" at Boston Cinema Census

My new short film "The Struggle" will be screening at the Boston Cinema Census in Boston. the event will be held at the famous Brattle Theater in Cambridge, MA. I aplologize for not be able to attend, but I'm too busy here in LA to get away. More info below:

Sunday, February 4, 2007. Special Event! Central Productions and the Newbury Film Series Present The Sixth Annual
Boston Cinema Census at 6:00

The Brattle Theatre
40 Brattle St.
Harvard Sq.
Cambridge MA

The Brattle is pleased to once again host the annual Boston Cinema Census - an important survey of the most interesting and innovative works produced by local emerging filmmakers from New England through the past year. Be sure to join us for an evening of varied and original program created by filmmakers in our midst.


Craig Guy said...

Franke Forte you have got to be the craziest creative soul I've ever had the pleasure to know.Drop me A line soon
I would love to catch up with number is in the Ft. Wayne listing,
Craig Guy

WIL BRANCA said...

Post something, for Christ's sake!